Rename All Files in a Folder

Bulk Renaming is a form of changing the names of multiple files in an automated manner. These files could be either stored on the local machine or on a cloud server.

In this article, there are two methods outlined to rename files in a folder. First one is the manual method, the second one involves Easy File Renamer which can automatically rename files after you select various renaming rules. If you wish to avoid manual method, download Easy File Renamer here:

Rename Your Files Inside Any Folder 

Easy File Renamer is a digitally signed, verified software


Using Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is an automation technology developed by Microsoft for the purpose of performing administrative tasks through a scripting language. It is similar in nature to Command Prompt, enables users to rename multiple files at once. However, you must ensure that no other files should be stored in the selected folder except those files which you intend to rename.

  1. Type Windows PowerShell in the Search Box on the Taskbar.
  2. Right-click Windows PowerShell from the Search Results and select Run as administrator.
  3. Type the following command and press Enter:
    CD <Directory>
    This is the root directory that contains all the files you wish to rename at once. As an example:
    CD C:\Users\Vikas\Desktop\TestFolder
  4. Click the File Explorer icon on the Taskbar.
  5. Go to the above specified root directory. Make sure no other files are present except those you wish to bulk rename. If any other files are present, move them to a different location.
  6. Type the following command and press Enter:
    Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “find_what“,”replace_with” }
    In the above command, overwrite “find_what” with the text you desire to remove from filenames, and “replace_with” with the text you desire to be replaced with. For example:
    Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “img“,”image” }
    (The above command will replace the word “img” with “image”)
  7. If you would like to remove random characters from the filenames of images created by digital cameras, use the following command:
    Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “DSC_“,”” }
  8. The process will take some time depending on the number of files in the directory. Let it conclude on it’s own without interfering with it.

Note: You must create a backup before initiating the bulk rename operation. The backup will guard your data against accidental data loss in case of mismatched commands. Download free 7 Zip File Manager. Select multiple files to backup, right-click the selection and choose Add to Archive option.


Using Sorcim’s Easy File Renamer

Easy File Renamer, helps rename files in bulk quantities, inserts text or numbers into file names, replaces text, adds / removes numbering to filenames, and adds / removes random characters (both beginning as well as the end of the filename).

Easy File Renamer supports both renaming files stored on the local machine as well as on the cloud. There is no need to download voluminous files from Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, OneDrive etc. The cloud integration feature simplifies the task and helps rename bulk files from cloud server. Guess what, you don’t need to have any expertise in writing commands as the product comes with an attractive, easy to use and friendly interface that is bound to help you perform any renaming jobs within seconds.

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