The Importance of Filenames and Tags

Acquiring photography gear and taking snaps is a trend that is taking roots with every passing day, whether you’re fulfilling your craze for photography or planning to take it as a full-time profession.


Being involved with photography means you will accumulate a gigantic volume of photographs in your camera’s memory card as well as your laptop within months, if not weeks. This leads you to the need of some sort of an effective mechanism to efficiently organize the photos so that they are in a tidy state. The biggest advantage of this is that you would be able to quickly track down a photo within seconds. Otherwise, having to spend a huge amount of time for almost every other image you need to access means all your effort is pretty meaningless.

The images on your laptop are probably laced with meaningless names such as DSC-00065.JPG, IMG_00032.JPG etc. The time taken to manually rename each and every one of those thousands of images is enough to force you to make up your mind to never pick the camera ever again! Quickly edit filenames and tags by using Easy File Renamer.

Edit Filenames and Tags with Great Ease

Easy File Renamer follows Google Software Principles


Easy File Renamer

Information Technology is coming to your aid, just as it has been helping manfolk for long. Easy File Renamer is in the business to facilitate you in giving a meaningful filename to every single image in your photo collection at the stroke of a few clicks.

Easy File Renamer has been developed by Sorcim and is available for all the newer versions of Microsoft Windows (10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista & XP). The benefits of Easy File Renamer are manifold.


Rename Data

You have the luxury to choose from a whole range of naming formats, each of which further branches out into a handful of options to choose from. Its sleek interface means you can easily find your way to the numerous formats that are available to rename files. And if none of those rules appeal to you, you can very much create one of your own liking!


Move/Copy Data

It does not end over here. Easy File Renamer enables you to move/copy huge volumes of data from one location in your computer to the other. This is another great feature as it saves you from the labour of browsing all the way to the source folder, locate and select the files one by one and then finally make your way to the destination folder and paste the data. All you’ve got to do is launch Easy Files Renamer and make good use of the Move / Copy tabs (as applicable).


Add Tags

On a side note, apart from using a file renaming program, you should add tags for all of your photos. Make it a habit to add tags to all the photos in a new album as soon as you save it to your laptop. This way your data will always be more organized and you would be able to jump straight to any particular image within seconds, whether you’re storing them simply in folders on your laptop or are using a dedicated photo managing tool. Also, adding meaningful tags will further help your case, such as portrait, outdoors, party, wedding and so on.
On a concluding note, keeping your data organized in an efficient manner is bound to render an immense improvement in your workflow due to the super fast speed with which you will be able to access the relevant file. Happy renaming.

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